Stay with Us for an Exciting 11th Year

That's right, Clifton Climber's Alliance is now over a decade old!

However, the reality is that challenges still remain while we mature as an organization and build deeper ties with interested local communities. After all, we did this for the Climbing, but there's other people who love Eagle Bluff too—and what better way to safeguard our climbing treasures than to team up with other people who love the land for different reasons. To that end there's been great progress over this past year.

Kevin, our Trail Coordinator, has been working with the local Mountain Biking community to tastefully and skillfully integrate biking and multi-purpose trails into the non-climbing regions of the Eagle Bluff property while also planning out much-needed and long-awaited improvements to the Hiking and Climbing Access trails. At this time there are two Mountain Biking trails on the property, with more on the way. Additionally, we've discussed and approved some key signage improvements, making it easy to both head out from and return back to your vehicle, which we hope to install as the days get longer. This work continues to require volunteers, so join up and let us know how you can help.

A third (or is it forth?) major sweep of odd, worn-out, and otherwise ancient climbing hardware is underway. Ben V. and Jim have their sights set on a number of items in need of attention, but will always take suggestions if something concerns you. Ben S. & former CCA Treasurer Gregg Farrell have also assisted in this task, as have local guides including Dick Chasse—who is thankfully still with us! The list of new routes continues to grow as well. Stay tuned for more news about that.

MAJOR change this year came to us in the form of a Generous Donation from John Williams of Clifton: The complete refurbishment of the middle parking lot. It is now nearly back to its full original 2014 extent and has also been leveled and amended for better drainage. Please use this improved lot instead of parking along the road—there's plenty of room.

Speaking of Community, please join us in April, as we, and our host, Alpenglow Adventure Sports, have Bangor Green Drinks over at the shop. We hope it will be a great way to accelerate the Spring Thaw and connect us to each other in ways that foster more joy and love of our planet.

There have also recently been some back-office changes here at CCA. We have adopted an improved platform for Memberships and Donations which allows us to issue Digital Membership Cards and (finally!) for Members to choose to automatically renew their membership each year. This new platform allows us to keep more of what you send to us, but they do ask that you contribute (an optional amount) directly to keeping the platform alive. In our minds this transparent approach is an improvement over the 2%-7% that was often skimmed off the top of everything sent from you, to us, in the past, as a service charge, without your knowledge. T-shirt sales have been entirely switched over to consignment via Alpenglow Adventure Sports, and are no longer available via the CCA website.

Finally, with this year's Board Elections came a huge change: Our good friend Kim Robichaud has stepped down from the Board after many years of being at the core of this organization. We take solace that she's not going far, aside from periodic Climbing Expeditions with her husband, children, and friends, and are grateful for the energy and effort she contributed to CCA's first decade. Please join us in Thanking Her for all that she has done and continues to do for our community.

As always, feel free to reach out to us via, and we can't wait to see you out at the crags or at one of the events we'll have throughout the year. Remember, your Memberships, Volunteering, and Donations keep the chossineers supplied with hardware, signage up-to-date, and our shared dream alive.


-- Drew Northup, CCA Secretary

Spring 2021 CCA Update: Discover Your Crag!

Spring is soon to arrive and the Clifton Climbers Alliance Board is working on trying to have some meaningful events with Covid still continuing it's swath of grief. So, as the new guidebook still is plodding along and so much has changed since the first book came out, we have decided to have "Discover Your Crag!" events. Not sure were things are at the crag? Can't find old routes let alone new ones? Is this the Mountaineer's Wall or is it back there? Now is the chance to get your questions answered. So, come and bring your climbing friends to..

Saturday April 10 @ 0900 PARKS POND BLUFF

Jim Campbell has worked and climbed this bluff for decades and will show us where things are (old and new). Plan on starting at the left- most section of the climbing area , a.k.a. Maple Wall. Then the "tour" will move along to climbers right. Bear in mind  that parking is very limited so expect to park along the road but well off of it as the trail-head is close to the crest of the hill making sight lines a little sketchy. The trail-head is on the right about 1/2 mile  beyond the campground on Parks Pond. Please follow "social distancing" guidelines.

Saturday May 22 EAGLE BLUFF @0900

Meet at the "Overflow" parking lot (middle one). Which trail used to access the base will be determined by participants interest.

Saturday June 26  "BIG CHICK" @0900

Meet at the Rt. 9 pull-off on the LT. for the hike in. Plan on walking the crag base from Lt to Rt and getting all your bearings.

For those of you who have the old guidebook or a scanned copy, you might want to bring it and a camera along so you can create an improved reference document.

See you there!


CCA Treasurer